As the Director of Enterprise Solutions, Mr. Parameswaran has led the evolution and success of the Enterprise Solutions Business Unit at Optimos. His primary focus has been to retain existing customers and capturing new business while providing business solutions that result in direct tangible organizational benefits. Mr. Parameswaran has been with Optimos for over ten years. With his dedication to quality and ability to understand customer needs and concepualize solutions, Mr. Parameswaran has been a key factor in the company's growth and success.With 14 years of industry experience and knowledge combined with customer acumen and management skills have enabled him to effectively manage and grow the Enterprise Solutions business unit. He has an extensive background in Enterprise Solutions architecture and implementing Enterprise Applications involving, ERP, CRM, EAI and eCommerce solutions. Mr. Parameswaran successfully leads his team in a fast paced environment, serving multiple customers across several industries. Mr. Parameswaran holds an M.S. degree in Information Systems. |