Dr. Nahman earned a B.S. in Electronics & Radio Engineering with mathematics minor, from Cal Poly, a M.S. in Electrical Engineering with physics minor, from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering with physics minor, from the University of Kansas. Dr. Nahman is an IEEE Fellow elected in 1972 for "Contributions to Time Domain Metrology." In 1978 for the Proceedings of the IEEE, he wrote the seminal paper "Picosecond Domain Waveform Measurements," in which he advocated electrical and optical pulse measurement techniques. In 1984, he received the IEEE Andrew H. Chi Best Paper Award for his 1983 paper, "Picosecond Domain Waveform Measurements: Status & Future Directions." In 1987, he received the IEEE Instrumentation & Measurements Society Award with the Citation "For Lifelong Dedication to the Understanding of Time Domain and High Speed Pulse Measurement Techniques." His experience includes tenured academic appointments in electrical engineering at the Universities of Kansas, Colorado-Boulder, and Toledo-Ohio. Scientific appointments include the National Bureau of Standards (NIST) as Scientific Consultant, Senior Scientist and Group Leader for Pulse & Time Domain. Dr. Nahman is a former Picosecond Vice President, now retired. |