Nathan received his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of South Florida. His professional experience includes ten years in public accounting, including five years with KPMG LLP. His principal field of practice is tax consulting and compliance for large corporations and partnerships/LLC’s, including Tax accounting methods, Business formations and reorganizations, Corporate loss limitations under Section 382, Partnership capital account maintenance and allocations, Tiered partnerships/LLC’s having multiple classes of ownership units, Built-in gain planning for S Corporations, Self-employment tax mitigation for partnerships/ LLC’s and S Corporations, Multi-state compliance for corporations and partnerships/LLC’s and Uniform capitalization rules.
He has extensive experience in accounting and reporting under FAS109 and FIN48 for both privately-held and SEC companies. Nathan has represented numerous companies undergoing IRS audits and State audits. Nathan also represented a client in an adverse conference with the Internal Revenue Service at the IRS national office in Washington, D.C., regarding the client’s tax accounting method change request. |