Dr. Nancee Langley offers 37 years of on-campus and professional experience with financial aid in higher education. She helps institutions use their scholarships and financial aid more strategically to support recruitment and retention, and also works with campus financial aid offices on organization, staffing, planning, communication, and delivery of resources.
Dr. Langley recently retired after serving for 12 years as the director of student financial aid and scholarships at the University of Nevada, Reno. Her efforts helped the university achieve a 12 percent increase in new freshmen enrollment. She also spearheaded efforts to:Implement early notification of scholarship awards Introduce an online scholarship calculator for new freshmen Integrate financial aid with scholarship awarding Streamline and automate the delivery of aid and access for students Create an enrollment management team of student services professionals to coordinate the recruitment of new students She is also an emeritus faculty member of the University of Nevada.Prior to her position at the University of Nevada, Reno, Dr. Langley served as director of financial aid services for seven years in the western regional office of the American College Testing Program (ACT), where she conducted numerous workshops for financial aid personnel and other college professionals. She was director of financial aid and placement at Olympic College (WA) and associate aid director at San Diego State University (CA). She has been a consultant and trainer with the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Student Financial Assistance, and with the higher education agencies and industry-related organizations in California, Washington, and Nevada.
Associations and education: Among her associations, Dr. Langley is a past president of the Western Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (WASFAA) and past president of the Washington Financial Aid Association. She served on the National Council of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) and remains a current member. She has received service awards from the Washington Financial Aid Association and a Lifetime Membership Award from WASFAA. Dr. Langley holds a Ph.D. from U.S. International University in San Diego, California. |