Advises public entities on a variety of collective bargaining issues as well as public employment termination procedures.
Advises private and public employers on a wide variety of labor and employment issues arising in the workplace.
Conducts investigations and defends employers with respect to employee charges filed with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing and U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Defends employers in hearings before the Labor Commissioner on wage and hour issues, including those involving waiting time penalties and compensation issues.
Prepares employment agreements and severance agreements on behalf of employers.
Assists in representation of employers in litigation disputes involving discrimination, retaliation, hostile work environment, sexual harassment, wage and hour violations, including prevailing wage issues arising in the construction context and whistleblower complaints.
Assisted in representation of private and public entity clients in litigation matters involving negligence, professional negligence, premises liability, breach of contract, including the successful application of defenses such as the exclusive remedy provision of workers' compensation and the doctrine of primary assumption of the risk.
Assisted with administrative hearing following public employee termination.
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, Appellate and International Advocacy, 2008 - 2009 Academic Year, Adjunct Professor
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, Appellate and International Advocacy, 2007 - 2008 Academic Year, Adjunct Professor
Former Law Clerk for the General Counsel's Office at Sacramento Municipal Utility District.
California State Bar, Labor & Employment Law Section, Member
Sacramento Area Human Resource Association (SAHRA), Legal & Legislative Committee, Member
Sacramento County Bar Association, Member
Sacramento County Bar Association, Barristers' Club, Board Member
Association of Defense Counsel of Northern California and Nevada, Member
United States District Court for the Central, Eastern, and Northern Districts of California, Admitted to Practice
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law (J.D., Order of the Coif, 2003)
California State University, Chico (B.A., Highest Honors, 2000)
15 Transnat'l Law. 357, Providing for Uniformity in the Exercise of Universal Jurisdiction: Can Either the Princeton Principles on Universal Jurisdiction or an International Criminal Court Accomplish this Goal?, 2002, Author
The Transnational Lawyer, 2002 - 2003, Former Chief Managing Editor
The Transnational Lawyer, 2001 - 2002, Former Staff Writer
Nonprofit Resource Center , How to Properly Hire, Fire, and Discipline Employees, 2008, Presenter
Sacramento Area Human Resource Association, How to Properly Hire, Fire, and Discipline Employees, 2008, Presenter
Downey Brand LLP, What Will They Think of Next: Changes in Employment Law for 2008, 2008, Presenter
Downey Brand LLP, A Human Resources Tool Box for Managers and Supervisors, 2007, Presenter
Sacramento Area Human Resource Association, Make Sense of California Leave Laws: Intersection and Overlap, 2007, Presenter
Downey Brand LLP, Employment Law 2007: What You Need to Know Now, 2007, Presenter
Active 20 - 30 Club of Greater Sacramento #1032, Past Active Member.