Mitch Kapor is the founder of Kapor Enterprises, Inc. He has been a leading figure in the computer industry for 20 years. He was the founder and CEO of Lotus Development Corporation and the designer of Lotus 1-2-3, which sparked the desktop revolution in business computing. Mitch has been at the forefront of the information technology revolution for a generation as an entrepreneur, investor, social activist, and philanthropist. For the past 15-plus years, Mitch has been an investor and advisor to high-technology start-up companies including founding investments in UUNET Technology and Real Networks. He is currently a director of Linden Lab and Reactivity, Inc. From 1999 to 2001, Kapor served as a partner with Accel Partners, a leading venture capital firm based in Palo Alto, California. He has an undergraduate degree from Yale in linguistics and psychology and is an alumnus (but not graduate) of MIT's Sloan School of Management. He held an Adjunct Professorship at MIT's Media Lab from 1994-1996. His writing has appeared in Scientific American, Wired, Forbes, the Harvard Business Review and the New York Times |