B.S. - University of Georgia, Chemistry, 1991
Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Transportation
Management of Contaminated Groundwater at MSW Landfills
Landfill Gas System Operations and Compliance
Odor Determination Training
Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA)
Michael S. Dae is a Project Manager in the Atlanta, Georgia office of SCS Engineers. His responsibilities include solid waste permitting, compliance, environmental monitoring, and auditing, air quality management, industrial waste management, due diligence/ESAs, contamination assessment, site remediation, litigation support and asbestos management.
Mr. Dae has over 17 years of solid and hazardous waste management experience. His experience includes three years operating a hazardous waste treatment storage and disposal facility for the University System of Georgia; and twelve years of solid waste management experience as a senior environmental director with a large, national solid waste management company.
Since joining SCS in December 2002, Mr. Dae has been involved in and/or responsible for the following:
* Construction oversight for stormwater management system upgrades at a closed municipal solid waste landfill.
*Landfill gas generation/migration assessments at operating and closed municipal solid waste landfills.
*Groundwater alternate source demonstrations and assessment of corrective measures studies at municipal solid waste landfills.
*NSPS and Title V permitting, compliance, and reporting for municipal solid waste landfills.
*Disaster response oversight and FEMA monitoring of hurricane clean up activities for a county in Central Florida.
Prior to joining SCS, Mr. Dae had involvement in and/or responsibilities for the following:
*Director of Environmental Compliance for a 12 state southern area, extending from Texas to Florida, that included approximately 320 operating solid waste hauling, transfer and disposal facilities with over 100 permitted solid waste landfills and 2 hazardous waste landfills.
*Environmental Compliance Manager for numerous solid waste landfill permits and expansions in the southern area, including a 150 million cubic yard municipal solid waste landfill.
*Management of a staff of over 20 compliance professionals including civil engineers, chemists and other environmental and compliance specialists.
*Met with numerous federal, state and local regulatory agencies regarding compliance issues, enforcement actions and corrective actions. Successfully negotiated many penalty reductions and alternatives to formal enforcement and penalties
* Review of industrial waste profiles for landfills in 15 states.
*Development of solid waste management regulations at the local, state and federal level.
*Participation in the development and implementation of corporate environmental policies and programs for a major solid waste management company.
*Project Manager for the development of an odor management protocol for implementation at over 50 landfills throughout the southeastern United States.
*Instructor for various courses including landfill gas/NSPS/Title V compliance, waste screening for solid waste management operations, RCRA waste classification, etc.
*Project Manager for the development of numerous waste screening and analysis plans, groundwater monitoring plans, landfill gas monitoring plans, and landfill operations plans for numerous landfills throughout the southeastern U.S.
*Developed and implemented Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWP3) and Spill Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans for numerous solid waste hauling transfer and disposal facilities.
*Seminole County, Florida Disaster Response Project - SCS Engineers provided disaster response services to Seminole County, Florida following hurricanes Charley, Frances and Jeanne. Mr. Dae acted as project manager for the disaster debris oversight project. SCS was responsible for monitoring all storm related debris collection operations within the County in an effort to ensure that contractors collected only that debris which was eligible for reimbursement by FEMA. SCS provided over 100 debris collection monitors throughout the County to monitor each load of debris collected by the County's clean-up contractor. SCS also monitored four debris drop-off and reduction locations within the County. Mr. Dae was responsible for the day-to-day coordination of all monitoring operations within the County. In addition, Mr. Dae oversaw the creation and maintenance of a database containing information regarding each load of debris collected within the County. This database was used by SCS to reconcile contactor invoices for the County prior to the invoices being processed for payment, as well as supporting the County's project worksheet submittals to FEMA for reimbursement of over $30 million.
*City of Winter Springs, Florida Disaster Response Project - SCS Engineers provided disaster response services to the City of Winter Park, Florida following hurricanes Charley, Frances and Jeanne. Mr. Dae acted as project manager for the disaster debris oversight project. SCS was responsible for monitoring all storm related debris collection operations within the City in an effort to ensure that contractors collected only that debris which was eligible for reimbursement by FEMA. SCS provided over 30 debris collection monitors throughout the County to monitor each load of debris collected by the County's clean-up contractor. SCS also monitored four debris drop-off and reduction locations within the County. Mr. Dae was responsible for the day-to-day coordination of all monitoring operations within the City. In addition, Mr. Dae oversaw the creation and maintenance of a database containing information regarding each load of debris collected within the County. This database was used by the City to reconcile contactor invoices as well as supporting the City's project worksheet submittals to FEMA for reimbursement. |