Recently, Dr. Riella established an Islet Cell Lab at the Catholic University and has performed the first islet cell transplant in humans in southern Brazil.
Dr. Riella is Professor of Medicine at two institutions: the Evangelic School of Medicine and the Catholic University of Parana. He is Chief of Nephrology at the Evangelic University Hospital. Dr. Riella founded the Pro Renal Foundation of Brasil (, a non-for profit organization dedicated to patient assistance, education and research. More than 1800 patients are currently assisted by the Foundation. Dr. Riella is also the past president of the Brazilian Society of Nephrology and served on the Council of the International Society of Nephrology (ISN). He is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Federation of Kidney Foundations and will serves as the IFKF President for the period of 2009-2011. Dr. Riella is a member of the National Academy of Medicine in Brazil.
Dr. Riella is Board Certified in Internal Medicine by the American College of Physicians and Fellow of American College of Physicians-FACP 1998.
After graduation from medical school Dr. Riella did his Residency in Internal Medicine at The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York from 1970-73 and a Renal Research Fellowship at the University of Washington in Seattle (1973-75) under the supervision of Dr. Belding H. Scribner, a pioneer of chronic hemodialysis.
Dr. Riella organized the first Nephrology Division at the Evangelic University Hospital in Curitiba, Brasil. He helped start various other initiatives at the hospital such as the hemodialysis and kidney transplant programs.
In 1996 Dr. Riella received the Distinguished International Medal of the National Kidney Foundation-USA and he is an honorary member of numerous scientific societies. |