In his 8th year with Blue Dot Solutions, Mick Milnark continues to build on his history of success with the company. Mick’s current role is to oversee the corporation’s strategic direction, specifically applying his expertise in the areas of product development, operations, and key sales initiatives. With a close understanding of the company’s past products and services, Mick brings management consistency to Blue Dot’s renewed focus on moving forward.
Prior to employment with Blue Dot, Mick was the founder and owner of Inventory Rescue Squad, an inventory consulting and logistics business focused on automating labor through mobile computing. In addition to running the company and directly driving new business opportunities, Mick was responsible for overseeing as many as sixty field representatives. All in all with his tenure at Blue Dot, Mick brings 11 years experience in the mobile computing market. Mick has a BS in Marketing from Bowling Green State University with a minor in Computer Science. |