Michael Knox serves as Vice President of Customer Service and Support for OpenPages, combining more than 20 years of Customer and Professional Services management experience with industry leaders such as Intel, Shiva Corporation, Astea International and Saddlebrook.
Prior to his current role, Knox led the Customer Support team at OpenPages where he established a team of Support Engineers and Account Managers, known for their responsiveness and focus on customer satisfaction. At Intel Network Systems (formerly Shiva Corporation), Knox was responsible for all aspects of Customer Service and Support for the Americas and the Asia Pacific Regions. In this role, Knox set strategic direction and defined and managed a wide variety of Customer Service programs and initiatives that led to substantial increases in client satisfaction ratings and dramatic operating margin improvement.
Prior to Shiva Corporation, Knox was responsible for technical support operations for Astea's Customer Service Management applications. At Saddlebrook, he held roles in technical support and account management. |