Michael Gioja is responsible for managing Workstream's Research and Development team, data center operations and day-to-day technology and operational activities. Mr. Gioja has served in senior management positions at privately held HR software firms such as Workscape, Inc., BrassRing LLC and Fidelity Investments as well as at publicly traded firms including IBM, American Express, SAP AG and PeopleSoft, now Oracle Corporation. While at SAP, Mr. Gioja had global responsibility for worldwide development in Waldorf and all localizations and was responsible for bringing SAP to the short list for global HR. While at PeopleSoft, Mr. Gioja reported directly to the CEO, and managed a global development organization of over 2,000 employees that successfully built the PeopleSoft 8.0 platform across all customers and product lines. Mr. Gioja holds a Bachelor degree in Computer Science from the State University of Oswego and is considered by many in the HR and technology community as one of the top in his field of technology integration and emerging technologies. |