Michael De Alessi is the director of natural resource policy at Reason Foundation, a nonprofit think tank advancing free minds and free markets. His research focuses on developing private solutions to water, marine conservation, and wildlife issues. De Alessi is author of the book Fishing for Solutions (Institute of Economic Affairs, 1998) and is co-editor of the book Marine Resources: Property Rights, Economics and Environment (Elsevier, 2002). De Alessi, who has testified before numerous legislative bodies, including the National Governors Association, has been published in New Scientist, The Washington Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Journal of Commerce, International Herald Tribune, The Wall Street Journal Europe, and numerous other publications. De Alessi's previous experience includes serving as director of the Center for Private Conservation at the Competitive Enterprise Institute from 1998 to 2001. De Alessi holds a received an M.S. in Engineering Economic Systems and a B.A. in Economics Stanford University. He also earned an M.A. in Marine Policy from the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami. |