Michael J. Cleary, Ph.D., founder and president of PQ Systems, Inc., in Dayton, OH, is a noted authority in the field of quality management and a professor of management science (emeritus) at Wright State University in Dayton. Dr. Cleary is a charter member of the Education Division of the American Society for Quality Control and played a principal role in developing the Transformation of American Industry national training project as well as the Total Quality Transformation training system. He served on the planning committee for the U.S.-Japanese Business Conference in Tokyo, and has presented papers on statistical process control and the applications of quality management principles to a variety of audiences in Korea, China, France, Great Britain, Australia, Singapore, and Japan. He is author of Data Analysis Handbook Using SPSS, used in university classrooms throughout the nation. A 24-year professorship in management science has enabled Dr. Cleary to conduct extensive research and garner valuable experience in expanding quality management methods. He has been a leader in bringing quality management into the curriculum of the College of Business, and has published many articles and papers on issues related to quality management, statistical applications, and decision sciences. He has published articles on quality management and statistical process control in a variety of academic and professional journals and is a frequent speaker on issues related to quality management and statistical methods. |