Michael R. Losey, SPHR, CAE, the President of Mikelosey.com, is the Past-President and CEO of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Before being named to the Society's top position in 1990, Losey served 30 years in management and executive-level positions with two Fortune 50 organizations. In his 10 years as SHRM's CEO, Losey tripled the Society's membership to more than 150,000, increased revenue by six fold and increased net worth 900 percent. Losey has been active in international human resources and is a past president of the North American Human Resource Management Association (NAHRMA) and the World Federation of Personnel Management Associations (WFPMA). These two organizations link human resource professional organizations around the world. Mr. Losey has also served on the SHRM Board of Directors and boards of the Human Resource Certification Institute, the SHRM Foundation, and the National Academy of Human Resources, which he helped established and where he is currently a fellow. Mr. Losey has also served as an executive consultant or board representative to Heritage Partners, DeakinPrime, Jackson Lewis, Vault.com, Holmes Corporation, and Pyramid Screening Technology, Inc. He also served as Chair of the Employers' Advisory Committee of the U.S. Department of Labor's Project Employ. Losey holds both a Bachelor's degree and a Master's of Business Administration degree in Industrial Relations from the University of Michigan. In addition, he earned certification as a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) and a Certified Association Executive (CAE). He is a subject matter expert in human resource management and association management. He is a subject matter expert and contributing author for both the SHRM human resource Learning System as well as ASAE's Essentials of the Profession. |