Dr. Bockelie has over 18 years experience in the fields of Scientific Programming and Computer Aided Engineering. He has spent the last 12 years working in the areas of mesh generation and Computational Fluid Dynamics. He has conducted and published considerable research on the topic of solution-adaptive mesh generation. He has experience with: mixed language programming combining C++/C/FORTRAN; software engineering practices; structured and unstructured grid generation and flow solver methods; finite volume formulations; and a variety of computing environments, hardware platforms and computer architectures. In his tenure at REI, Dr. Bockelie has split his focus between modeling industrial systems and incorporating more flexible meshing capabilities, improved software techniques and more robust numerical methods into the suite of combustion simulation tools used by REI. He has modeled several gas and coal fired systems, including mineral processing kilns, injection tuyeres for metal processing furnaces, tangentially fired boilers and numerous burner test facilities. With respect to model improvements, he has developed a Body Fitted Coordinate (BFC) version of the REI models for use in special applications and is the PI for a DoE Phase II SBIR to incorporate a localized mesh refinement (AMR) capability into the REI combustion simulation tools. In his current position, he is responsible for the technical development of improved numerical methods into the suite of REI combustion models and distribution and support of combustion software. Education Ph.D., Engineering Mechanics, Columbia University, 1988 M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah, 1985 B.S., Mathematics, University of Utah, 1977. |