Michael G. Snow has over 33 years in the medical device medical research and clinical medicine fields. he originally joined Medical Graphics Corporation in 1983 as the Manager of Applications Engineering and was promoted to Vice President in 1986. He directed activities in Technical Services Research & Development and Marketing. After returning to clinical practice in 1989 he rejoined Medical Graphics as a Vice President in 1995 and is currently responsible for Research & Development and Quality. From 1989 to 1995 Mr. Snow was the Manager for Respiratory Care Cardiorespiratory Diagnostic Services and Clinical Research studies at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. He began his career as a medical researcher at the UCSD Medical Center in San Diego and for the next ten years was a laboratory Manager and researcher in San Diego and San Francisco. Mr. Snow has served as a Director for Applied Measurement Professionals a national testing organization for allied health care practitioners and the National Board for Respiratory Care the national credentialing body for respiratory therapists and pulmonary function technologists for the U.S. He has authored chapters in five medical textbooks has written over fifty medical journal articles and scientific abstracts and has five U.S. patents. Mr. Snow has a degree in Biomedical Monitoring from Grossmont College in San Diego and has attended Metropolitan State University for graduate business studies.