Mr. Shores, age 41, who founded TXP, is an accomplished entrepreneur with a background in high-tech manufacturing. He started his career in the investment banking arena with Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns. Over the last decade, he has been successfully involved in helping launch new high tech products into the consumer, medical, military, networking, and telecommunications markets. Prior to founding TXP in late 2001, Mr. Shores helped start a New Product Introduction center (NPI) for Flextronics in Richardson, Texas and then went on to help launch their photonics division. Mr. Shores successfully negotiated the spin-off of his group from Flextronics in 2001 when he started TXP, and has been instrumental in the growth and management of the company since. Mr. Shores has a B.A. in Business from the University of Arkansas. |