Dr. Melvin Van Woert, a neurologist, has been, since 1974, a member of the staff of Mount Sinai Medical Center where he has been a Professor of the Department of Neurology and Pharmacology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine since 1978. Dr. Van Woert had been a consultant for Neuropharmacological Drug Products to the Food and Drug Administration from 1974 to 1980; Associate Editor for Journal of the Neurological Sciences; Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Clinical Neurphamacology; and Medical Director of National Organization for Rare Disorders for which he received in 1993 the Humanitarian Award. His other awards include the U.S. Public Health Service Award for Exceptional Achievement in Orphan Products Development and the National Myoclonus Foundation Award. He has authored and co-authored more than 150 articles appearing in pharmacological, medical and other professional journals or publications. |