Ms. Brown is a litigator focusing on securities litigation, general commercial litigation, and federal equity receivership matters. She is a member of the Trial Bar of the United States District Court, Northern District of Illinois.
Ms. Brown has represented public corporations in shareholder derivative and class action lawsuits; broker-dealer organizations in regulatory investigations; federal equity receivers; a national stock exchange in civil litigation; and other businesses, public and private, in general commercial litigation. Ms. Brown has also represented, on a pro bono basis, a defendant in two highly publicized trials in the Cook County, Illinois, criminal court.
Prior to her legal career, Ms. Brown worked in corporate communications. She has consulted with senior management on corporate identity programs, investor relations, employee communications, marketing, and executive speechwriting, and taught nationally promoted workshops in effective corporate communications.
2/2008 v.23 no.6 BNA's Corporate Counsel Weekly, "High Court's "Stoneridge" Decision Reveals Ideological Divide"
2/2008 v.14 no.12 BNA's International World Securities Law Report, "Delaware Supreme Court Announces Standard for Director Liability in Oversight Cases: "Conscious Disregard" of Fiduciary Duty of Loyalty"
Tellabs, Inc. v. Makor Issues & Rights, Ltd.: the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act Requires Plaintiffs to Plead Facts That Give Rise to a 'Powerful and Cogent' Inference of Intent to Defraud.
Delaware Supreme Court Announces Standard for Director Liability in Oversight Cases: 'Conscious Disregard' of Fiduciary Duty of Loyalty Securities Regulation and Law Report, Vol. 39, No. 8 (BNA) 294-96 (Feb. 2007).
First Reg FD Decision Finds SEC's 'Excessive Scrutiny' Chills Disclosure, Securities Regulation & Law Report, Vol. 37, No. 49 (BNA) 2102-05 (Dec. 2005).
The Perils of Publicity: Getting the Message Across Without Running Afoul of Regulation FD, Webcast, August 2005.
When You Become a Target of the SEC, Boards and Directors, Summer 2002 (co-authored).
Equal Protection in a Mean World: Why Judge Cahill Was Right in United States v. Clary, 11 Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy 225, 1997.
Good Writing is Good Business, Vital Speeches of the Day, Vol 59, No. 10 at 311-14 (1993).
Professional Associations
American Bar Association
Seventh Circuit Bar Association
Illinois State Bar Association
Chicago Bar Association
Member, Executive Committee of the Chicago Bar Association Alliance for Women (2003 to present)
Board Member, Life Span (domestic violence service organization).