Reviews Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs) and related documents for residential, commercial, mixed-use and industrial projects subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and/or the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Integrates the EIR process with requirements the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, State & Federal Endangered Species Acts, SMARA, and the Williamson Act.
Drafts and reviews responses to comments and CEQA findings.
Prepares climate change/greenhouse gas analyses for EIRs and other planning documents.
Advises clients regarding land use entitlements such as specific plans, general plan amendments, subdivision maps, zoning changes and use permits.
Reviews water supply planning documents and advises clients regarding compliance with Senate Bills 610 and 221 and pertinent case law.
Advised clients regarding Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) law and procedures.
Drafted briefs filed in all levels of the California court system, defending against challenges to local agency approvals of development projects under CEQA and State Planning and Zoning law.
Drafted and revised development agreements and litigation settlement agreements.
Published Opinions
70 Cal.4th 412.
Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, Member
State Bar of California, Environmental Law Section, Member
Placer County Bar Association, Member
CalCIMA, California Construction and Industrial Materials Association, Member
North State Building Industry Association, Member
University of California at Los Angeles School of Law (J.D., 2004)
The Master's College, Santa Clarita, CA (B.A., summa cum laude, 2001)
UCLA Journal of Environmental Law & Policy, Former Managing Editor