Mattia Romeo Senior Game Designer
Mattia arrived in games after a modest stint of exploration. Born in Rovigo, Italy, Mattia was quickly whisked off to Algiers at the tender age of 40 days and spent the next few years zipping back and forth from Italy to various parts of the world including Burundi, Tanzania, and Honduras before finally resting upon the lovely shores of New York. After spending high school trying to be a painter, Mattia fled New York for Evergreen State College to study the philosophy of science. Mattia spent a few years working for art foundations towards the end of college before beginning a career as a film editor. From 1997 to 2002, Mattia worked on a variety of indie films including "The Kid Stays in The Picture," "Personal Velocity," "Secretary," and "Hamlet." But eventually the calling of his youth became too strong and Mattia left film to study game design at NYU's ITP program. There, he worked on the big game project/pop culture happening Pac-Manhattan. It was from this program that Mattia began work at gameLab. Mattia was also an assistant designer on the big urban game ConQwest that ran throughout the United States in fall 2004. Now a professional game developer, his sole remaining aspiration in life is to own a dishwasher AND a washer/dryer. |