Matthew develops and executes creative concepts for all BBK Worldwide and TCN e-Systems promotional, sales, and product development efforts, including concepting, product packaging and promotion, Web and print collateral, trade show, advertising, and proposals. With a masterful eye for effective visual communication, he guides creative execution in harmony with BBK's vision and strategy. Matthew's focus on BBK promotion comes after years of successfully leading creative concept development and execution for client campaigns across all advertising outreach vehicles, and specializing in interactive design. He has produced campaigns in many therapeutic areas, including HIV/AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis, congestive heart failure, and breast cancer. Before joining BBK, Matthew worked as an art director and Web designer for CPS Direct, a direct marketing and advertising agency located in Woburn, Mass. In this role, he was responsible for the creative development and execution of marketing efforts that included direct mail, advertising, print collateral, and interactive tactics. His clients included Dell, Great West Life & Annuity, and SkyJet. Matthew has a bachelor's degree in graphic design from The Art Institute of Boston. He has also studied in Florence, Italy. Matthew's work has received numerous awards, including the Direct Marketing Association's ECHO award, a New England Direct Marketing Association (NEDMA) award for best multimedia campaign, and a Graphic Design USA award for corporate identity design. |