Matthew Mazdyasni is executive vice-president and chief financial officer of HealthCare Partners Medical Group. A member of the Senior Executive Team (SET), Mr. Mazdyasni has significantly contributed to the company’s financial stability through his strategic leadership and oversight of contracts and relationships with health insurance HMOs, PPOs, and other contracted providers.
As CFO, Mr. Mazdyasni oversees and provides leadership to the departments of Administrative Services, Business Office, Decision Support, Facilities, Finance, Integrated Managed Care Systems, and Provider and Hospital Contracting. In addition to daily oversight of these departments and staff, Mr. Mazdyasni oversees contracting analysis, planning, and execution with all payors and payor contract negotiations in collaboration with other SET members and department directors.
Mr. Mazdyasni holds a Master of Science degree in accounting from the University of Kentucky. Prior to joining HealthCare Partners in 1982, he worked for national and local public accounting firms.
He is an active member of Statistical, Product Certification and Workers’ Compensation committees with the American Medical Group Association. Mr. Mazdyasni is also active on legislative committees.
Mr. Mazsyasni has also distinguished himself as a mentor in health administration leadership. He was named University of Southern California’s Master of Health Administration Preceptor of the Year 2000-2001. |