Mary Sue Himpler has 16 years experience in executive search and staff recruiting. She has conducted dozens of successful searches at the CEO, middle management and administrative staff levels. Her extensive experience spans the full array of search services from assessing personnel needs and profile development to candidate interviews and thorough reference checks on finalists. With numerous searches in both the corporate and the nonprofit sectors, Mary Sue has a proven track record in handling practically any type of search. Mary Sue joined Association Strategies, Inc. in 1994. As a search consultant, Mary Sue has collaborated on dozens of executive and managerial level searches in the association sector. In addition to extensive search work and reference checking, Mary Sue has conducted numerous executive and staff compensation surveys. Mary Sue began her search experience when she signed on with the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) in 1988. While at ASAE, she learned the trade of recruitment and placement. In the Executive Employment Services Division, Mary Sue was able to work with and learn from CEOs with national prominence from a wide range of non-profit, healthcare and philanthropic associations. She also developed evaluation teams of association executives to provide peer reviews on critical management areas with a given organization. By the end of her tenure with ASAE, Mary Sue was managing several executive level searches. She also holds a B.S. degree in consumer economics and business that she earned from the State University of New York at Oneonta. She resides in McLean, Virginia with her husband, Bill, and four children. |