Martin Schneiderman is founder and President of Information Age Associates, Inc. He has done extensive strategic planning, large-scale project management, and professional development for a wide range of organizations. Schneiderman has served as a senior consultant to many industry associations, hardware and software companies, and organizations including: Council on Foundations, Foundation Center, GuideStar, Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers, Independent Sector, Conference Board, and the Communications Network in Philanthropy. His experience includes the design, integration, and management of information systems including: accounting, archives, art collections, contact management, corporate communications, estate planning, financial planning, fundraising, grants management, human resources, insurance, investment management, legal services, multi-currency portfolio management, performance measurement, philanthropy, program evaluation, publications, search engines, securities trading, trust accounting, tax compliance, venture investments, and workgroup collaboration. Prior to establishing Information Age Associates he gained extensive experience as the Chief Information Officer for Rockefeller Family and Associates, and Director of the Technology Laboratory and Computer Education Programs at Educational Testing Service. He has also served as Technology Editor and contributing writer for Foundation News & Commentary. |