Dr. Martin Roman graduated from the Faculty of Law at Charles University in Prague. Then he studied a one-year scholarship programme at St. Gallen University (Switzerland), the Faculty of Economics. He also spent one year studying at the Karl-Ruprechtsuniversität Heidelberg (Germany). He began his professional career in 1992 when still a student, when he was appointed the sales director of the Czech branch of Wolf Bergstrasse C(R, s. r. o., a company specialising in the manufacture of potato crisps. From 1994 to 1999 he worked as the CEO of Janka Radotín, a. s., and in 1998, after the acquisition of the company by a strategic partner the American company LENNOX, he also became a member of the company board. His third chief executive position was in KODA HOLDING(he began in 1999 in Pilsen as Chairman of the Board and General Director of KODA, a. s., and in April 2000 he was appointed Chairman of the Board and a CEO of the entire joint-stock company KODA HOLDING), from where he went on to CEZ.