Mark Hoekzema joined WeatherBug in 2001 to help project manage early versions of the WeatherBug desktop application during the fast growing period of the product. More recently Hoekzema oversaw the planning and construction of the WeatherBug studio and then formulated the plan for developing the Meteorological Operations department which he now manages. He also oversees the meteorological content acquisition and development across all product lines.
Prior to WeatherBug, Hoekzema worked for 13 years at WRC-TV in Washington, D.C., starting as an intern while in college and then becoming a weather producer/forecaster, a webmaster of the first ever TV weather Web site and then even an on-air meteorologist. When Hoekzema is not working, he enjoys soccer, fly fishing, reading, and traveling. The photo was taken on a fishing trip to Chile!
Fun Fact: "At WeatherBug I have had the opportunity to do many exciting things related to my career. I have taken the WeatherBug StormTracker to cover the landfall of Hurricane Gordon in Florida; visited Punxsutawney, PA, to see the groundhog see his shadow twice. I've also been storm chasing in Tornado Alley twice during the peak week of tornado season (and never saw a tornado!). You can't beat those experiences if you are a meteorologist!" |