Dr. Daugherty has over 25 years' experience with advanced energy systems research and development in industrial national laboratory and academic settings.
In March 2005 he began working for the Wisconsin Focus on Energy Program through MSB Energy
Associates (in addition to his work for us). He has worked on renewable energy business development for
the Wisconsin Focus on Energy Program as a consultant since November 2004 where he conducted a
study on Community Wind Business Development from November 2004 through February 2005. From
September 2003 to January 2005 Dr. Daugherty was a student at the Chicago Theological Seminary. From
June 2002 to June 2003 he served as President and CEO of Virent Energy Systems a Madison Wisconsin
based company commercializing a carbon-neutral method for on- demand production of hydrogen and fuel
gas. From June 1998 to June 2002 he served in several capacities for DCH Technology Inc. including
Chief Scientist Chief Technical Strategist and Vice President and General Manager of DCH's fuel cell
operations. Dr. Daugherty also served at Los Alamos National Laboratory from 1993 to 1997 as a Principal
Investigator on Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) with industry to develop
applications for high temperature superconductors. He also served for six months in 1993 as Manager of
R&D Cooperative Programs at Superconductivity Inc. which is now part of American Superconductor
Corp. While at Superconductivity Inc he led a CRADA program with Oak Ridge National Laboratory
addressing high-temperature superconducting magnet design issues.
Dr. Daugherty holds a BS MS and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin -
Madison and a J.D. from the Boalt School of Law at the University of California - Berkeley. He has
published over 25 technical papers. Dr. Daughterty has served as Session Chair at the 2000 2001 and
2002 Symposium on Fuel Cells and Battery Technologies for Portable Applications and as the Chair of the
Session on Applications of Superconductivity at the 1993 Cryogenic Engineering Conference. He was also
awarded an R&D 100 Award as a member of the Superconductivity Inc. team. |