Dr. Mario E. Paz, a native of El Salvador, received his D.D.S. from the University of Santa Maria, Brazil, and his orthodontic and M.S. degrees from Eastman Dental Center and the University of Rochester in New York, respectively. He also completed specialized training in lingual orthodontics and a fellowship in tempromandibular jaw disorder at the University of Rochester. Dr. Paz maintains private practices in Beverly Hills and Marina Del Rey, California. He holds active memberships in the American Dental Association, American Association of Orthodontists. Dr. Paz is currently the president of the American Lingual Orthodontic Association (ALOA), vice president of Iberoamerica Association of Lingual Orthodontics (SIAOL) and founding member of the World Society of Lingual Orthodontics(WSLO). Dr. Paz had the distinction of having the late Dr. Craven Kurz, the inventor of lingual braces, as his mentor. Dr. Paz worked closely with Dr. Kurz in the lingual technique and has been extensively involved in the use of lingual appliances and adult aesthetic orthodontic therapy.Dr. Paz has published articles in clinical journals such as the American Journal of Orthodontics and lectures in the United States as well as internationally on Lingual orthodontics. Dr. Paz’ Hands-on Lingual and Aesthetic Orthodontic Course, taught bi-annually, has been instrumental in instructing orthodontists from around the world in the art of lingual orthodontics. |