Maria Labreveux joined KSTC in February 2007 as the Program Manager for the Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation (KSEF). Maria manages the Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation and the Kentucky Commercialization Fund programs, for which KSTC receives funding from the Commonwealth of Kentucky through a contract with the Council on Post-Secondary Education. Maria brings research and grants management experiences from the Delaware State University (DSU) where she worked as an Assistant Professor before moving to Kentucky. Maria secured over $2 million in two and half year period at DSU for her research and teaching from federal and state agencies such as the United States Department of Agriculture, National Recourses Conservation Services (USDA-NRCS), the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Services (CSREES), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and University of Delaware. Dr. Labreveux is an active member of the Early Career Professional Division of the Agronomy and Crop Science Societies of America and a contributor to the society’s monthly newsletter. Maria received her PhD in Agronomy-Plant Science from The Pennsylvania State University, and her MS and Ag. Engineering degrees in Argentina. |