Marco is a Student Member of the IEEE (USA). He was born in Maracaibo, Venesuela. He recieved the B.S. and M.Sc degrees in Electronics Engineering and Control Engineering, with a concentration in robotics, from Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacin University. His master thesis addressed the use of DES and Subsumption Architecture for modeling robots and its application to robotic behavior. In 2001 he joined the Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacin University as Professor conducting and directing research as director of the Robotics Research Laboratory. In 2003, he moved to Japan to pursue a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering at Tohoku University under the sponsorship of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology. During this time he attended the 2005 IEEE-RAS/IFRR International School of Robotics Science, the Space Generation Congress 2005 and the International Space University (ISU) Summer Session Program (SSP06) under the sponsorship of ISU and the Japan Alumni Society for the ISU (JASI), becoming the first non-japanese person to be sponsored by the organization. Currently hs is a member of the Rover Team at the Space Robotics Laboratory at Tohoku University responsible for Surface Mobility / Navigation Planning of JAXA's Next-Generation Rover for Future Asteroid Sample Return Mission. |