Marc began his leadership experience in the industry in 1991, joining the Firaxis art group in 2000. Originally trained as a traditional paper-and-pencil animator, Marc earned a degree in advertising design from the University of Maryland and a degree in cinematic animation from the Kubert School. Marc was previously an art director and game designer for Sierra On-Line. Marc was also one of the art leads for Sid Meier's Pirates!
Marc's Game History:
Leisure Suit Larry 1, 5, and 6; The Laffer Utilities; Hoyle Book of Games; Quest for Glory 1, 3 and 4; Ecoquest 2; King's Quest 7; Phantasmagoria; Lighthouse; Sid Meier's Civilization III; Sid Meier's SimGolf; Sid Meier's Pirates!; Sid Meier's Pirates! for Xbox; Sid Meier's Civlization IV; Sid Meier's Railroads!.