Dr. Hellerstein joined the faculty of the UC Berkeley, in 1987 after completing medical training at Yale Medical School with a fellowship in endocrinology at New England Medical Center and a PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He maintains a joint appointments at the University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco General Hospital, and in nutritional sciences at the University of California, Berkeley, where he occupies an endowed chair. Dr. Hellerstein's major research interest has been the measurement of metabolic flux in vivo. By combining powerful technology with novel mathematical approaches and insights into biological systems, his group has measured quantitatively many metabolic processes that could not previously be studied. The potential for applications to clinical diagnostics and drug development led directly to the founding of KineMed, Inc. Dr. Hellerstein has advised numerous pharmaceutical companies, including Abbott Laboratories, Entelos, Agouron Pharmaceuticals, Bayer, Genetech, Parke Davis, Pfizer, and Warner Lambert. |