Manfred Schneider was born on December 21, 1938 in Bremerhaven. He studied Business Management at the universities of Freiburg, Hamburg and Cologne. After earning his degree in Business Studies, he became Assistant to the Professor of Business Management at Aachen Technical University. During this time he also obtained his doctorate.
He joined Bayer AG in 1966. After working in the Organization, Auditing and Cost Accounting departments, he transferred in 1971 to Duisburger Kupferhütte, at that time a subsidiary of Bayer AG. There he first headed the Finance and Accounting department and later became Chairman of the Board. At the end of 1981 he returned to Leverkusen and, following the reorganization of Bayer AG in 1984, he became Head of Regional Coordination, Corporate Auditing and Controlling within the Corporate Staff Division.
Dr. Schneider joined the Board of Management on January 1, 1987 where he assumed various assignments until his appointment as Chairman in 1992. Dr. Schneider has been Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Bayer AG since April 2002.
He presently holds Supervisory Board memberships at:
Bayer AG (Chairman), Linde AG (Chairman), Metro AG, RWE AG, TUI AG |