Madelyn Yucht is a Principal Consultant at Linkage, Inc. with over twenty years of experience working with organizations, teams and individuals to create high performance workforces and implement major change initiatives. Identifying collaboration as a pivotal factor in performance, she cultivated a distinct expertise in the "Art and Science of Collaboration."
Bringing cutting-edge thought leadership and hands-on practical experience to her consulting, Madelyn developed The Synergistic Collaboration Model, a comprehensive implementation methodology. The model provides a strong conceptual framework and practical tools to sustain high performance collaborations. She provides strategic consulting, executive coaching, and leadership training to clients for a broad range of collaborative engagement, including: strategic alliances and joint ventures; organizational restructuring, cultural transformations, multi-stakeholder /multi-team initiatives; cross-divisional initiatives; customer/supplier relationships; and critical work teams. She works domestically and internationally, in the public, private and non-profit sectors. Clients have included Citigroup, The American Management Association, XEROX, Aetna Insurance, Kraft/General Foods, and Ulbrich Steel & Special Metals.
Madelyn brings unrivaled experience and perspective to her consulting. She gained an in-depth understanding of the strategic imperative of collaboration, when she managed a Harvard Business School research project for Rosabeth Moss Kanter, investigating what positioned countries, cities, and companies to be world class in the 21st century global economy, resulting in the book, "World Class." She had the opportunity to study with thought leaders such as Chris Argyris, Jim Sebenius, Richard Hackman, and Peter Senge. In addition, she has grown and sold two businesses, a computer company and a staffing company. Madelyn is certified in Total Quality Management and outdoor-based leadership counseling. She has trained hundreds of executives throughout the country, and has an extensive portfolio of clients from whom she has benchmarked best practices.
Ms. Yucht's corporate experience is complemented by her background in governmental affairs and politics. She served as Director of Public Affairs of Seton Hall University; Director of Public Affairs for Waste Management Company in New Jersey; Special Assistant to Commissioner of Environmental Protection; Legislative Aide to the President of the NJ Senate, Policy and Planning Specialist to the Governor of NJ. She was recruited for each of these positions to direct multi-party new initiatives involving local, state and national governmental organizations, press, private sector and community organizations.
Madelyn holds a Masters degree from Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government with joint studies at the Harvard Business School. She studied International Relations at Coventry University in England and holds a B. A. from The College of New Jersey. |