In computer circles, Mr. Valdetaro, previous CTO of Diversified Data Resources, is best known for implementing the first PC to Mainframe in Latin America in the late 1970s. He is equally known for developing a product now called ACE. ACE originally TPEXPERT, an expert based system written in C and assembler using HLLAPI to automate the operations of IBM mainframes was sold to Diversified Data Resources in 1991. ACE, which supplanted IBM as a competitor, is currently being used by Fortune 100 companies such as American Express, Visa, Bank of America, Prodigy, Federal Express, Singapore Airways, Thai Airways, IOM Canada, Worldspan (the reservation system for Northwest, TWA and Delta Airlines) as well as many others. Mr. Valdetaro, a member of Who's Who Executive Club prior to being CTO of Diversified Data Resources, was a Senior Systems Engineer for System/One. Prior to that he was a senior systems engineer for Bank of America. Mr. Valdetaro is a graduate of Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil with a BS in Electronic Engineering and an MS in Systems Engineering. |