Luiz Meisler is senior vice president for Oracle Latin America and serves on Oracle's Executive Management Committee. He is responsible for the region's sales and consulting group and works directly with companies across the region to ensure that companies are able to take advantage of leading-edge technologies. Prior to joining Oracle in 1998 Mr. Meisler served as vice president of operations sales and consulting at Oracle Brazil and Argentina (Mercosur Region). In Brazil Mr. Meisler was responsible for the consulting division organization. He was subsequently charged with directing the consulting business for the entire Latin American region. Before joining Oracle Mr. Meisler was a partner in charge of South America Consulting at PwC for 12 years. Prior to that he was chief operating officer for Lojas Americanas for five years a Brazilian chain of 110 stores with US$2 billion dollars turnover which enabled him to acquire a vast operational knowledge of the Brazilian market.