Mr. Haynes is a governmental consultant for GrayRobinson and handles federal regulatory matters in the beverage alcohol area. He is the former Chief of the National Revenue Center under the United States Treasury's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), one of many positions he held during his 32-year tenure with the AFT. While his specialty is beverage alcohol, he has had similar experience in regulating the tobacco industry and was Chief of the National Licensing Center overseeing the licensing and taxation of the firearms and explosives industries for the nation. Mr. Haynes has extensive experience in resolving license and permit issues and settling cases in the trade practice and excise tax areas. As a tax specialist in Washington, D.C., he wrote many rulings, industry circulars, and policy and procedure papers, which are current today. Mr. Haynes has a close working relationship with many state regulatory agencies and federal agencies having jurisdiction over the beverage industry. He has knowledge and experience in the qualification and maintenance requirements for federal permits, compliance matters, and the resolution of cases resulting from federal investigations of the liquor and firearms industries. Mr. Haynes is a graduate of Centre College, a liberal arts college in Kentucky, where he received a B.A. in Business Administration and Economics. |