Louis Page is the president and managing general partner of Window To Wall Street, Inc., an investment firm dealing with early stage financing. Prior to starting up Window to Wall Street, he served as Investment Advisor at EasCorp where he was responsible for the management of the investment portfolio of five credit unions totaling $1.5 billion dollars. Primary investments included treasury securities, CMOs, ABSs and various structured products. Other financial vehicles used in the portfolio management process included repurchase transactions, reverse repurchase transactions, swap agreements, and forward contracts. Louis earned his undergraduate Finance degree from Bryant College, is a CFA and completed the Canadian Securities Course (CSC). In addition to VistaPrint, Louis has served on the boards of Andover.Net, Inc. (IPO in 1999, sold to VA Linux Systems in 2000), Dovetail Software, Inc. (acquired by Ardent Software 1998) and J.-Louis Levesque Foundation, Inc. |