Louis Hendriks develops the European market for SGT. Louis is focusing on valued partnerships that are capable of providing Global Excellence to customers across Europe. Louis is a strong believer of putting the clients customers at the heart of business operations. Louis Hendriks is an advocate of the "value discipline" and "the adaptive supply chain & enterprise concept". Combining the power of on-shore partners in Europe and SGT off-shore capabilities creates a competitive supply chain for Global professional Services, be it for start-ups. small & medium enterprises or large multinationals that recognize the value of operational experience. Through his 15 years of experience in global business process and technology services, Louis brings to SGT a deep understanding of partnering in global networks, delivering competitive value to clients. Prior to joining SGT in 2007, Louis was managing the BPO Procurement services for Capgemini. For Capgemini Louis enabled the Global Capabilities as one delivery organization. Louis Hendriks has sold and delivered supply chain Services across Europe. Capgemini, because of its global network, has been Louis' access to global business services, and vice versa, Capgemini's Supply Chain and BPO services have been injected with a global reach due to Louis' drive and involvement. Today Louis is unleashing the Global Excellence to small and medium enterprises; the next step in the globalization process. |