Louis W. Barnett is a native of California, Mr. Barnett was Director of Government Affairs and National Political Director of Citizens for the Republic, a civic action organization founded by Ronald Reagan. In that capacity he served as liaison to the White House and coordinator of ballot initiatives and relations with "grass roots" organizations. Earlier he served as a legislative assistant to the Los Angeles City Council where he conducted program audits of large federal and state grant funded capital construction projects and social service programs. Upon leaving Citizens for the Republic he formed a consulting company that provided guidance for businesses dealing with federal and state government policies and programs. He served as Director of the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco for five years. As a Member of the Board of Directors he was responsible for the Bank's administration and management. Most recently, he served as the Chairman of the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board with an annual budget of $52 million and five hundred employees. The Board's Administrative Law Judges hear and decide more than 200,000 cases a year dealing with Unemployment Insurance. Mr. Barnett was appointed Chairman by Governor Wilson of California in 1995 and was twice confirmed by the California State Senate. |