Dr. Louis S. Metzger is a MITRE senior vice president and the corporation's chief engineer, responsible for ensuring the technical quality of MITRE's engineering and promoting integration initiatives that cut across organizational lines.
Previously, Dr. Metzger was vice president of MITRE's Center for Air Force Command and Control Systems, serving as deputy to the center's senior vice president and general manager. From 2001 through 2005, Dr. Metzger simultaneously filled the position of director, engineering for the Air Force's Electronic Systems Center, indicative of a close customer partnership.
Dr. Metzger returned to MITRE in 2001 following a two-year tenure as chief scientist of the Air Force. In that position, he was the chief scientific adviser to the chief of staff and the secretary, and provided assessments on a wide range of scientific and technical issues affecting the Air Force.
Dr. Metzger was formerly the Air Force Center's executive director of resources, where he led more than 1,100 technical and support staff. He was responsible for developing the Center's workforce and managing its research program and laboratory facilities. Previously, he was executive director for the Air Force Center's Robust Global Operations program. Prior responsibilities included technical director of the Theater Command, Control, and Communications Division, technical director of the Strategic Communications Division, and associate technical director of the Tactical Communications Division. As a special assignment, he headed a company-wide team in restructuring MITRE's technical workforce, implementing a major corporate change. Dr. Metzger has been with MITRE since 1987.
Before joining MITRE, Dr. Metzger was assistant vice president of M/A-COM Government Systems, heading their Boston Engineering Center, and was with the Communications Division of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Lincoln Laboratory, managing groups working in satellite communication systems engineering and in terminal technology.
He was a member of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. He served on the National Research Council's Air Force Studies Board Committee on Tactical Communications and, in 1993, was a member of the Technical Support Group for the DOD's "bottom-up" review of military satellite communications.
Dr. Metzger is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and was technical program chairman of the 1989 Military Communications (MILCOM) Conference. He served as chairman of the Boston Chapter of the IEEE Communications Society and as technical program vice chairman of the 1983 International Conference on Communications. He is a member of the MILCOM Conference Board, and is presently serving as its chairman. He is also a member of the George Mason University C4I Center Advisory Group. Dr. Metzger previously served on the Communication Systems Technical Committee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He is a member of the National Defense Industrial Association and the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) and served on the Board of Directors for AFCEA's Lexington-Concord (Massachusetts) Chapter.
Dr. Metzger received his doctoral, master's, and bachelor's degrees in electrical engineering from MIT in 1975, 1971, and 1969, respectively. He is a member of the Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, and Sigma Xi honorary societies. He was honored with AFCEA's 2005 Benjamin H. Oliver Gold Medal for Engineering. Dr. Metzger's contributions to the Air Force were recognized by award of both Meritorious Civilian Service and Exceptional Civilian Service decorations.