Mr. Slezak has over 30 years of experience in advanced engineering and technology research and development. Mr. Slezak is responsible for Era’s research and development programs. Mr. Slezak is an industry expert who has pioneered the design and deployment of next-generation surveillance technologies. He is a frequent speaker at industry events and has led Era’s participation and technology demonstration programs with NATO. Mr. Slezak began his career with Tesla Company, a world leader in active and passive radar, developing Microwave Landing Systems and radar antennas. Mr. Slezak joined Thales to research and develop radar antennas that are still in production today. Mr. Slezak joined Era in 1998 as the head of the future systems department responsible for research and development of next-generation systems. Among many notable technology breakthroughs, he designed the distributed clock systems architecture and developed Era’s Passive Coherent Location (PCL) capabilities which have been demonstrated in various NATO applications. In 2005, he was appointed as technical director of Era and was responsible for all hardware and software design. Mr. Slezak received his M.S. degree in radioelectronics at Czech Technical University Prague and his Ph.D. from the same university in phased array antennas. |