Liane Wong, DrPH, is a program officer in the Children, Families, and Communities Program. Her grantmaking portfolio focuses on advancing the Foundation's goal of ensuring that all children have access to health insurance and quality health care appropriate to their needs at the local, state, and federal levels.
For over sixteen years Liane has provided leadership, policy analysis and development, and technical assistance to states and localities on health insurance coverage expansions and health access initiatives for children and families. Prior to joining the Foundation, she was the executive director for the Institute for Health Policy Solutions California (IHPS) and the Child and Family Coverage Technical Assistance Center, and founded California's Innovation in Coverage and Access Forum (ICAF), highlighting local and state innovations in expanding coverage to vulnerable populations. She has authored numerous publications regarding the financing and feasibility of children's health care coverage expansions.
Earlier she held positions as an evaluator for the California HealthCare Foundation's First Things First Initiative, as a senior health policy analyst for the University of California Office of the President, and as a senior manager at the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. She first began her career in the philanthropic and nonprofit communities in 1991 at The San Francisco Foundation. Liane received her doctorate in health policy and management from the University of California at Berkeley and holds a master's degree in public health from the University of California at Los Angeles. |