Professor Charm teaches at Babson College and has been a partner in the firm of Youngman & Charm since 1972. The firm specializes in directorship functions for firms owned and operated by entrepreneurs and in assisting companies that are experiencing operating and/or financial problems. Youngman & Charm has operated in a variety of industries, channels of distribution, and has been involved in numerous successful financings and acquisitions and mergers. From 1977 through 1990, Professor Charm was chairman and president of a major distributor and specialty retail chain with several hundred retail outlets. He has been active in other specialty marketing companies, and served as a member of the Board of Directors of the International Franchise Association from 1983 to 1988. He is currently director of the National Association of Corporate Directors-New England, as well as director of several public and privately-held firms. Professor Charm has taught throughout the world on a variety of topics regarding entrepreneurship. He is on the President's Council at Babson, and is the recipient of the Appel Award for Entrepreneurship. |