Leonard was brought in as a Senior Team lead to work with the Banking and Finance group for National Bank and Finance. His duties include screening and interviewing for every aspect of the Bank and Finance field from sales to C-Level positions. Leonard responsibilities also include being primary contact for several large national groups. We work with banks and non-banking facilities.
Leonard was part of the IS/IT group of NBF for several years. He was in the general IS/IT field since 1992. With experience ranging from advance projects in the military to national Voice over IP (VoIP) deployments. Leonard has been interviewed for both articles about VoIP on the Internet and by local TV. Stations. Leonard has served as an IT group Manager and Sales Manager for two different local company’s. Leonard has the background and experience in both sales and management to know who would be the right person for the job. Leonard’s diverse background enables him to bring to his clients’ the high quality candidates to fulfill today’s challenging environment.