Dr. Moise completed his ScB in Biochemistry at Brown University in 1993, and went on to pursue graduate studies in the Molecular and Cellular Biology and Biochemistry (MCB) Program at Brown University, where he worked under Dr. Edward Hawrot in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biotechnology (MPPB). His doctoral thesis topic was NMR solution structure of the principal bungarotoxin binding site on the alpha7 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in complex with bungarotoxin. After he received his PhD from Brown University in May 2002, he was an NIH COBRE Postdoctoral Research Associate in Dr. Hawrot's lab, studying the functional effects of bungarotoxin binding site transplantation into other proteins. In July 2005, Lenny joined the TB/HIV research laboratory at Brown University as an Instructor in Medicine, studying vaccine design and T cell immunology. In June 2006 Lenny joined the EpiVax team as Director of Vaccine Research. He has been working on development of vaccines against tularemia, smallpox, and H. pylori, and has been leading the effort in deimmunization of botulinum neurotoxin. |