Leigh Kite regularly represents hospitals, physicians, nurses, allied medical professionals, medical device manufacturers and their insurers.
Ms. Kite routinely deals with a broad range of issues that arise in tort and insurance practice, including:
Professional malpractice defense and risk management issues for hospitals, physicians and other learned professionals
Personal injury, wrongful death and property damage claims
Workplace accidents and premises liability claims
Nursing home negligence claims
Insurance coverage disputes
While at Washington & Lee University, Ms. Kite was the managing editor of the Washington & Lee Law Review.
Professional & Community Activities
Member, North Carolina Association of Defense Attorneys
Publications & Speaking Engagements
Red Flagging Civil Liberties and Due Process Rights of Airline Passengers: Will a Revised CAPPS II System Meet the Constitutional Challenge? 61 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1385 2004 |