Mr. Mortenson has served on the Board of Directors of the Company since 1987. Mr. Mortenson has been engaged in consulting investments troubled companies and due diligence activities since July 2000 and is a Managing Director of Kensington Partners LLC (a private investment firm) since June 2001. Mr. Mortenson served as President Chief Operating Officer and a director of Telco Capital Corporation of Chicago Illinois from January 1984 to February 2000. Telco Capital Corporation is principally engaged in the manufacturing and real estate businesses. He was President Chief Operating Officer and a director of Sunstates Corporation from December 1990 to February 2000. Sunstates Corporation is primarily engaged in automated textile equipment manufacturing. Mr. Mortenson was a director of Alba-Waldensian Inc. from 1984 to July 1999 and served as President and Chief Executive Officer from February 1997 to July 1999. Alba is principally engaged in the manufacturing of apparel and medical products. Mr. Mortenson also served as a director of NRG Inc. a leasing company from 1987 to February 2000.