Larry Finch joined Sigma in 1987. His experience spans more than 40 years in sales, marketing, and general management, having worked at several technology and computer-related companies. Most recently, he was President and CEO of Paradise Systems, Inc. When he joined Paradise in 1984, it was a troubled venture capital financed start-up company with annual revenues of $4 million. In two and one-half years, he established the company as the worldwide premier supplier of IBM-compatible personal computer video controllers. He then sold the company in 1986 to Western Digital Corp. for $70 million in stock. Prior to Paradise, he was the founder, President and CEO of Shasta General Systems, Inc., a seller of small business computer systems, which he grew to $20 million in revenues and then sold to Zentec Corp. in 1983. Before founding Shasta, he held senior management positions with Singer Business Machines and Friden, Inc. He has been responsible for Sigma’s investments in Accent, Acumos,, Cyberstate University, Global Village Communications, International Network Services, IPNet Solutions, Nimblefish,, Paradise Electronics, Personal Training Systems, Phoenix Technologies, Ray Dream, Rendition, Splash Technology, SuperMac Technology, Vivo Software and World Power Technologies. |